Belhaven Bay (Scotland) - 27 April 2010

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My first attempt at using the surf camera with my Samsung 850 sw. Small longboard day although mate just refuseses to go on anything longer than a 6' 4". intersted in how surfing in Scotland has and is developing, check out

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  • Hey Scott

    A good swell coming next will see some further attempts with the camera of myself ands ome of the local rippers. Surf camera is just what I was looking for. North coast has probably the best waves in scotland and you can easily always find a break to yourself. There's always another reef (Boulder) as we say here.

    Have a good one and glag you like the site, its a bit of fun really.

    Pic from North Coast and Isle of Islay sunset. Two really good spots for catching some barrells

  • Hey Neil,
    I'm glad you're having a good time with the Surf Camera. By this video I can tell you guys are having a blast! Not really ripping but the best surfer is the one having the most fun.
    I checked out your Surfing Scotland link... true surfers.
    My buddy Tom just surfed there (somewhere in Scotland last year). He said it was easy to find a killer surf spot all to himself.
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