Simiple Rules with Tips |
So you see, it's pretty basic and very easy. We at Surfer Shot would like to invite you to start adding content like: If you don't have any of the above 5 to contribute then you can still win just by starting a topic on the forum or blog, or even just replying to a topic already posted. Any tie breakers will go to the member with an actual profile
picture instead of our default profile photo. To view what you can win view this link: One DV1 Surf Camera and two Surf Camera cases. Tips to Help You Out Tips to increase viewers to your surf photo, video, forum topic or whatever content you provided: 1) You can start by using the Facebook "Like" button and add in
something so all your Facebook friends can help you out: (this will
get it many views too!) You can visibly see if you are winning or not by checking the Leaderboard. It shows the top producing content in 3 of the 5 categories. With the Forum and Invites, I can manually view them in my administration panel (this is not visible to anyone else). |
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